Valmistatud kõrgetehnoloogiliste plekieemaldus- ja puhastusainete baasil, karva niisutavate konditsioneeride lisamisega. Shampoon teostab pehmet karva valgendamist, eemaldab plekid ning muudab selle erksamaks. Pakend: 250ml Plekieemaldaja šampoon Kontsentraat: 10:1 Lemmikloomad: kassid, koerad.
USA toode.
Specifically designed for whites, creams, pale golds and light silvers. Made from a new state-of-the-art enzyme product which is not only safe but also a very effective stain remover and brightener, we have included hair strengthening and conditioning ingredients, to protect the coat. Pure White Lightening Shampoo may also be used on parti-colored dogs however it should not be left on colored parts any more than 2 minutes as it can remove color. For best results clean the coat first with one of your favorite # 1 All Systems shampoos to remove excess dirt and oil. Apply Pure White Lightening Shampoo full strength to the coat, work into the coat completely and leave on for a minimum of 3 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Depending on degree of whitening desired or needed and amount of time left in the coat this will effect ultimate result
1210012, Product: #1 All Systems, Pure White Lightening Shampoo, 250 ml, EAN Code: 3560150, included 22%Estonian VAT