Anju Beaute EBENE Shampoo 500ml Taaselustab ja toob esile mustade kasukate sära.Võitleb punanemise vastu. Sobib kõikide tõugude mustade või väga tumedat värvi kassidele. Sisaldab:Aloe Verat,UV filterit ja provitamiine. Kastamine:Lahjenda 1 : 5 .Hoolikalt vahule hõõruda ,lasta toimida 2-5 minutit.Loputa korralikult rohke veega. Ébène Colour Shine Shampoo.
Prantsuse toode.
Product description
Deep black coats must be solid and shining. ÉBÈNE is a beauty care dog shampoo formulated with active principles to enhance and intensify the shine of black or mostly black coats. The colour enhancement effect is the result of amphoteric tensio-active complexes which help natural pigments penetrate deeply into the hair scales and lock them in there while drying. Aloe Vera is rich in organic acids and has anti-oxidant and anti-radical properties. ÉBÈNE also includes an anti UVB Filter, essential to protect and fight against red lights in the coat. Provitamins add extra shine and hydration. The black colour intensifying effect is cumulative, so using ÉBÈNE regularly will regain and maintain a shining, intense black. Using guide: Dilute in a ratio of 1:5 with water and apply all over a damp coat. Lather well, leave to act for 2 to 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly. 500ml
Made in France