Anju Beaute VITALITE POLIS DURS Shampoo 250ml Shampoon karmikarvalisele ja lühikarvalisele tõule, Koerale ja Kassile. Panama Bark Extract – Lime – provitamiinid.Suurepärane šampoon, mis põhineb aktiivsel loomu põhimõttel, mis on mõeldud karmikarvalisele koerale,kassile. See puhastab karvkatte sügavalt ilma pehmenemiseta ja hoides top seisukorras samal ajal mõjuv taimeekstrakt pakub värskendava tunde. Panama Bark Extract aitab kaitsta nahka tänu toitvatele omadustele oma taime saponiinele. Väga vitamiini rikas shampoon .Säilitades oma karge, suletud tekstuuri, kokkutõmbav ja toonimise omadused annavad kasukale selle jäiksuse, karge välimuse. Provitamiinid lisavad ekstra sära ja niisutab karva.VITALITE POILS DURS on ideaalne terjerile ja kõikidele karmikarvalistele tõule..Kastamine:Lahjenda 1 : 5 .Hoolikalt vahule hõõruda ,lasta toimida 2-5 minutit.Loputa korralikult rohke veega.
Prantsuse toode.
Vitalité poils durs Special Shampoo for Wire-Haired Dogs Panama Bark Extract – Lime – Provitamins Preserves the crispness and wiry texture of the coat. Suitable for all wire-haired and short-haired breeds. A superb shampoo based on active natural principles, designed for wire-haired dogs, it cleans the coat deeply without softening it, and keeping it in top condition while the use of plant extracts provides a refreshing sensation. Panama Bark Extract helps protect the skin due to the nourishing properties of its vegetable saponines. Vitamin rich lime respects the structure of the coat, maintaining its’ crisp, closed texture, while its’ astringent and toning properties give the coat its rigid, crisp appearance. Provitamins add extra shine and hydration to the coat. VITALITÉ POILS DURS is ideal for terriers and all other wire-haired breeds. Apply all over a damp coat, lather and leave to act for 2 to 5 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Our advice: We recommend using this product on a healthy wire coat. If it is necessary to treat the skin or coat with another product from our range, use VITALITÉ POILS DURS as the last product.
Made in France