Baldecchi, Absorbing Powder (Cat) 90 gr

14,24 sisaldab KM

6 laos

SKU: 74d0f5bc74fa Categories: ,
*Baldecchi imav pulber
*Pulber pisarplekkide vastu
*koertele ja kassidele
*ei kahjusta karva

Baldecchi, Absorbing Powder (Cat) 90 gram Puuder koosneb anioonilisest pindaktiivsest ainest, mis on mõeldud loomadele, keda kimbutavad üleliigsed pisarad. Puuder imeb endasse pisarad ja puhastab ning aitab ära hoida punast jume. Toode on sobilik kõikidele niisketel kohtadele looma keha peal. Kasutamine: Puista puudrit märgadele kohtadele kehal ning masseeri nii, et puuder jõuaks lemmiku nahani. Lase mõjuda ning kammi välja.Itaalia toode.

Absorbing Powder G has been conceived for cats which produce excessive tears, such as Persian. Starch absorbs damp, while surface-active agents neutralize impurities. Absorbing Powder G absorbs and cleanses without altering the lipidic protective film on skin and hair, in addition to preventing reddish hues. It is suitable for all the moist parts of the body. Directions for use: strew Absorbing Powder on wet parts and massage to make the product penetrate up to the skin. Let it act, then brush. The powder can be left on the hair till the following bath, to prevent reddish hues.