Chris Christensen – Black on Black Shampoo 437ml

25,41 sisaldab KM

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Chris Christensen – Black on Black Shampoon 437ml Black on Black on värvi intensiivistav ja jõudu andev ravišampoon. Sobilik mustadele kasukatele. Šampoon taastab musta värvi intensiivsuse kohtadel, mis on päikse käes kahjustada saanud. Kasutusjuhend;lahjenda shampoon kuuma veega 1 x 8 ja hõõru kasukas vahule,hoia mingi aeg ja loputa korralikult ohtra veega.Vajaduse korral korrake protsetuuri.Peale pesu lisage kindlasti Chris Christenseni palsam.

USA toode.

Chris Christensen Black on Black Shampoo gets the red out! Black on Black is an optic intensifying, high sheen color-revitalizing treatment within a shampoo. Formulated specifically for use on black coated dogs, it restores the intense black color of coats exposed to the bleaching effects of the sun.

  • Lasts up to 4 weeks
  • Neutralizes unwanted stains that cleansing does not remove
  • Semi-permanent color that will not rub off on hands or clothing
  • Not a dye
  • Made in the USA

.Directions Shampoo with your favorite Chris Christensen shampoo. Apply Black on Black to the coat. DO NOT DILUTE. Work product into a lather and massage into the coat. Allow to remain on the coat for 2-10 minutes depending on coat porosity and texture. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.Black on Black can be mixed with Gold on Gold and Red on Red to make custom colors.