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SKU: E0426 Categories: ,
Puhastuskomplekt on mugav ja lihtne viis Drinkwell® purskkaevu puhtana hoidmiseks. See 3-harjaline komplekt sobib suurepäraselt erinevate 
asjade puhastamiseks.
Harjad võimaldavad juurdepääsu raskesti ligipääsetavatele kohtadele
Sage puhastamine pikendab purskkaevu eluiga
Ühildub kõigi Drinkwell® purskkaevudega
Süsteem sisaldab
Pikkus 32 cm, hari 5 cm
Pikkus 31 cm, hari 2 cm
Pikkus 14 cm, hari 1 cm

The Fountain Cleaning Kit is a convenient and easy way to keep any Drinkwell® fountain clean. This 3-brush set is great for cleaning the fountain and pump.

The large brush with the spongy top is perfect for soaping up the fountain sides and bowl. The tiny flexible brush easily clears debris and build-up from the

pump to keep your fountain working great. The medium bristly brush helps you clean any other part of the fountain.

Key Features

  • Brushes allow access to hard-to-reach areas
  • Frequent cleaning extends the life of the fountain


Compatible with all Drinkwell® fountains

System Includes

  • 32 cm length, 5 cm head brush
  • 31 cm length, 2 cm head brush
  • 14 cm length, 1 cm head brush