Saksa pesa Beds square 2

45,01 sisaldab KM

2 laos

SKU: 20222 Categories: ,

Hubane voodi lemmikloomadele. See on mõnusalt pehme. Loom saab käpad ja pea servale toetada. Magada nagu pilvedel.
Voodi saab paigutada paljudesse kohtadesse.
Võite seda tervelt pesta ja kuivatisse panna.
Masinapesu kuni 60¤. Pesa vorm ei muutu.
Saksa toode.

A cozy bed for pets. It is nicely soft filled. The animal can rest its paws and head on the edge. To sleep like on clouds.
The bed can be placed in many places.
You can wash it whole and put it in the dryer.
Material of your choice.
Washable at 60 ° C.
Dryer suitable.
German product.